About Destination Jalal-Abad
Our goal is to help travelers to discover Jalal-Abad region's natural beauty and cultural diversity.
We want to share all what Jalal-Abad Region has to offer in terms of trekking and horseback riding adventures, historical and religious sites, culture and cuisine, and other immersive travel experiences.
Destination Jalal-Abad was founded in January 2020 in Jalal-Abad city by local stakeholders. Its mission includes:
- To develop tourism in the region that focuses on sustainable tourism activities which provide socio-economic, cultural preservation and environmental conservation benefits to local communities and people.
- To develop unique tour products that are developed and delivered by local people, and which highlight the region’s unique natural, cultural, cultural and historical heritage.
- To work with women and youth to support empowerment, income generation, business development and other types of activities through professional training, educational workshops and startup funding.
- To improve tourism services across the region through specific hospitality and guide trainings, as well as supporting local small businesses and entrepreneurs through small grants and workshops.
- To organize tourism events and festivals and provide information to travelers from all backgrounds and nationalities.
- To promote the entire Jalal-Abad region and create effective marketing campaigns about travel experiences, tours, festivals and other tourism activities.
- To deepen connections and increase cooperation between private businesses, state agencies, and NGOs involved in tourism.
Destination Jalal-Abad Services
Destination Jalal-Abad serves the needs of travelers and tour groups by providing comprehensive tourism information and helping them enjoy all that the region has to offer. It provides the following services:
- Providing tourism information and answering questions about the region.
- Booking local tours and experiences.
- Assistance in booking accommodation anywhere in the Jalal-Abad region.
- Helping to arrange transportation across the region or to other parts of Kyrgyzstan.
- Our staff speak English, Russian, Turkish and Kyrgyz.
Get in Touch with Destination Jalal-Abad:
The Destination Jalal-Abad office is located at: 11, Erkindik street, Jalal-Abad City, Kyrgyzstan (location on Google Maps).
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 09:00-18:00, Saturday 09:00-15:00
We also run a small Tourist Information Center in Sary-Chelek near the Nature Reserve's first entrance in Artik village during the summer months (May - October).
You can also reach us through
- this website,
- by email [email protected]
- by mobile/Whatsapp at +996 777 895 568
- or via Facebook
- or Instagram
Location of the Destination Jalal-Abad Office: